Unlimited Users
Users can be added to the Z.comSign system without limitation according to the company's structure. Even without registration on the system, anyone can be the signer for signing requests but only registered users can request or access to all the signed documents.
It's recommended that all employees in a company be registered as users and utilize the "User Access Control" feature to limit the access of users based on their roles and department in the organization.
Unlimited document storage space
Documents can be stored on the Z.comSign system without limitation of data storage space. Unlike some of the signing solutions or document management system available in the market, all signed documents on Z.comSign will have no expiration period and be kept forever on our system until the account is terminated.
Interface to check signing status
Z.comSign has is accessible via web-interface or smartphone application on iOS/Android.
Users will be able to monitor and track the status of document signing after sending out an signing request. This can effectively increase the productivity of any kind of approval process in a company because the requester can know whether the sign is complete or rejected anytime even if the signing request is sent to other external companies.
Documents uploaded
or created from system
Users can upload documents in PDF/Mircosoft Words or create documents using the templates on the management page. Usually documents are uploaded everytime to be sent out for signing request, but on Z.comSign, we have a feature to allow requester to prepare different signer name and other information on CSV file and use that information to generate multiple signing request at one time.
*Example: An admin manager can prepare a list of staffs' name on CSV and use Z.comSign to automatically generate 100 salary payment acknowledgement letter with different staff name to be sent out to all staffs at one click.
Automatic document generation
For all documents signed, the system will generate multiple files to be provided to all signers to keep as reference. Even if the signer is not a registered user on Z.comSign sytem, the cloned document will be available for the signer to download from the system via email notification. This is very efficient to avoid the process of file copying and process to share the signed document to all related personnel again after the signing process is finished, which is one of the main redundant work if its a signing process on paper.
User Access permission
This feature can be used to define users into different groups and different roles to be registered on the system. (ex. to split users based on the department of a company)
By doing this, admin user can restrict accessibility of users to view documents of different department for compliance purpose and define who in that department can the permission to request for signing, to be the signer or even just an user that can only open files without authorization of document management.
IP Filter for access control
IP filter can be used to restrict the accessibility from pre-defined origin IP addresses of the user to increase the IT security level of the account.
*This technology is being used by Netflix, Youtube, or even other online services too to enforce privacy to the media contents uploaded to the internet but requires access restriction to certain personal or group of users.
(ex. Company can set the IP filter to allow only access from static IP address of the company office or VPN server to avoid access from random IP addresses.)
**Available only for Pro-Plan and Enterprise-Plan.
Preset workflow templates
Workflow templates can be used to pre-define the Line of Approvers into the templates so that users do not need to select signers everytime for frequent approval transactions.
(ex. Sales department of a company can set a template to request for signing process for quotation approval to manager of the department)
**Available only for Pro-Plan and Enterprise-Plan.
User Management via CSV
User management via CSV file can be used to manage users in a more efficient way, especially for companies that has many users with frequent changes of user entry.
(ex. If a company has 1000 staffs that needs to be newly registered on the system, admin user can prepare a CSV file with a list of users and update the database via the information on the file.)
**Available only for Pro-Plan and Enterprise-Plan.
Electronic Signatures (e-Sign)
Electronic Signature (e-Signature) is actually a general term to describe any electronic signature that verifies the relationship between the individual owner and that electronic data.
In Z.com Sign service, the definition of Electronic Signature is the simplified method of using an e-mail address to identify the signer on the process of the online signing process.
This is a signing method that can be used for a casual approval process without the necessity to acquire a Digital certificate, making it suitable to sign for invoices, quotations, internal purchase requests, staff recruitment contracts, etc.
e-Sign is complying with clause 9 in the Government Gazette Electronic Transactions Act (No. 4) B.E. 2019.
**Reference: Government Gazette Electronic Transactions Act (No. 4) B.E. 2019. Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA) Electronic Transactions Act (No. 4) B.E. 2019
Digital Signatures (D-Sign)
Digital Signature on Z.comSign is complying with the official protocol defined by Adobe (AATL: Adobe Approved Trust List).
This is a signing method that is suitable for documents that contain confidential information or high-level agreements with critical terms to be agreed upon among signers for maximum clarity; Makes it suitable to sign for a rental contract, a business agreement between 2 companies, a contract of acquisition, etc.
D-Sign is complying with clause 26 in the Government Gazette Electronic Transactions Act (No. 4) B.E. 2019.
**Reference: Government Gazette Electronic Transactions Act (No. 4) B.E. 2019. Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA)
Electronic Transactions Act (No. 4) B.E. 2019
e-Timestamping is an electronic timestamp to proof and certify the date and time of a signature executed.
Comparing to ordinary ink rubber stamps for paper signing that can be manipulated, e-Timestamping on Z.comSign uses e-Timestamping service provided by Seiko (Seiko Solutions Inc.), which is an official TSA (Time Stamping Authority).
2FA access security
2FA is the short form for "2-factor authentication", indicating the authentication process using 2 different methods to login.
Z.com Sign can be accessed from any browser with a login ID and password. Even though our service is preset with a "failsafe" feature to lock up the user account if there's a login failure continuously 5 times, there is still a risk of being login by other people.
With the 2FA turned on, users will need to input another password by using "Google Authenticator" which is a password that is generated in real-time and is technically impossible to be hacked.
Smartphone application on both iOS and Android
Z.comSign is an online signing solution that you can access via internet browser as long as you have access to the internet.
Besides login from web browsers, Z.com Sign is providing smartphone applications supporting both iOS and Android that can be used from tablets or smartphones, which is very convenient for users to sign any requested documents anytime, anywhere as long as the user has a device with the application installed on it.
Multilanguage support based on default language of web-browser
With the nature of users in Thailand that has the possibility to use multiple languages depending on the person, we have prepared all possible languages on our system including English, Thai, Japanese, and Chinese for web access via web browsers.
**Smartphone application supports only English and Japanese now but we will increase the supported language in near future.
Technical support on 24 hours basis
Z.com has a team of professional customer support who are available 24 hours a day on multiple communication channels. All of our users can reach our customer support center anytime to get help on any kind of technical issue without any additional support fees or charges.
*Communication channels: phone calls, live chat on the website, email.
*Support language: Thai, English