• Change from paper culture
    to e-Signature with

    Sign anywhere, anytime, on any device.

  • รวมการใช้งานแบบครบวงจร

    • ลายมือชื่ออิเล็กทรอนิกส์ (e-Signature)

    • ลายมือชื่อดิจิทัล (Digital Signature)

    • การประทับรับรองเวลาอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ (e-Timestamping)

    How to order Z.com Sign


    Select service plan

  • 1.1

    Go to https://hosting.z.com/th/en/zcom-sign-cart/ and select the service plan that you want to order.

  • 1.2

    Choose the contract period, acknowledge the terms and conditions of Z.comSign service, and click "Next".


    Register for Z.com account

  • 2.1

    [If you already have a z.com account] Input your Email & Password and click "Sign in"


    [If you are a new user on z.com] Input your Email & Password and click "Create Account"
    *To create a new account, you will need to fill in more personal information but the whole process will take less than 5 minutes.


    Make payment upfront

  • 3.1

    Confirm the total price of the Z.comSign service that you've selected, choose the payment method you like and click "Order"

  • 3.2

    Once the payment is successful, click “Visit MyZ.com” to login to Z.com's control panel.


    Setup admin user account ( Explanation about how to use the Z.com control panel )

  • 4.1

    Go to the tab "Z.com Sign" on the top menu and you will see there's a new Z.comSign account with the Z.comSign service plan you choose with the status of "Waiting for settings", click "Service Default Settings"

  • 4.2

    On the "Create Z.com Sign Account" page, input the necessary information as follows and click "Save"

    [Account information]

    • Corporate Name: Please input your company name, or your full name if you are not working in a company.
    • Person in Charge: Please input your full name to be the first admin user on this account.
    • Email Address: Please input your email address.
      *Warning: your login passward will be sent to this email address, please kindly recheck if the address is correct.
    • Name Tag: This is an alias to be set on this Z.comSign account, no need to change if you don't need to use this now. (e.g. You might have 2 different Z.comSign account if you are a director in 2 companies at the sametime and you can input the company name of each account to this NameTag)

  • 4.3

    Once the account information is updated successfully, you will see that the Z.comSign account is having the new "Name Tag" you setup in previous step and the status of the Z.comSign is changed to "Running", click on the "Name Tag" to check more information of this account.

  • 4.4

    Under the "Service Information" section, you will see additional information as follows.

    [Service Information]

    • e-Sign: This is to show how many e-Sign transaction have you used in this month. If you use more than the limited number of e-Sign, you can either pay for the additional transactions in the end of the month or change the service plan to a higher plan. This number will be resetted every month.
    • D-Sign: This is to show how many D-Sign transaction have you used in this month. Each of the transaction will be charged by the end of the month.
    • Contract Period: This is to show how long is your contract period for this Z.comSign account. You can apply to extend the contract period here anytime you like.
    • Auto Renew: This is a button for you to turn on the auto-renewal for this account. The account will be automatically resubscribed once the contract is expired but this can be turned on only if you have a valid credit card registered on Z.com control panel.
    • Subscription Expiry: This is to show when this Z.comSign account will be expired. You can manually renew the account here before the expiry date.
    • UserID: This is the unique ID number for our customer support to identify your account. Please provide this information if you need to seek for technical support from our customer support team.

  • 4.5

    Under the "Digital Certificate" section, you can apply for new digital certificate if you have any user in your Z.comSign account that needs to use Digital Signature (D-Sign). To apply for "Digital Certificate", you need to pay for a annual fee for each user and go through a strict identity verification process (Vetting process) from our certificate authority (GlobalSign).

  • 4.6

    Under the "Login Information" , you can see there's an URL that leads you to the login page of Z.comSign service. Its recommended to set a bookmark on your PC for this login page for future usage.
    *The service site is showing GMO-Sign because this is the original software name on our system. This will be changed in the future to Z.comSign.


    Login and start using

  • 5.1

    You will receive an email from GMO-Sign with a temporary login password inside, use this password and your email address to login to GMO-Sign.
    *URL: https://secure.gmosign.com/login/

  • 5.2

    After login the first time onto GMO-Sign, you will need to change the temporary password to a high security password that you will use for login process in the future.

  • 5.3

    After login into GMO-Sign, this page will be the top page of GMO-Sign service.
    *Please refer to our [User Manual] below to learn how you can start adding new users, setting up signing templates, request for document signing etc.

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